Sony on TYPO3 - Rapid Global Deployment with TYPO3

Author Kian Gould
Track Communication - Marketing
Session type Talk (45 minutes)
Long Abstract Sony Entertainment Network chose TYPO3 as their interrim solution for their global CMS rollout. The daunting task however: Relaunch all global websites for SEN in under 7 weeks. Technologically it was very well possible, but organizationally? Find out first hand how working with a global Fortune 500 impacts your productivity and ability to utilize rapid development and deployment to rollout a complex infrastructure based on TYPO3. What were the security hurdles, how do you deal with a lack of understanding of dynamic publishing technologies, how do you scale a team to 15 people in 2 weeks that can work efficiently in parallel?

These and other interesting questions will be addressed in this interesting talk about one of the most exciting companies to date to use TYPO3 as their global CMS technology.
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Kian Gould

Kian Gould

Kian T. Gould is the founder and managing director of AOE media GmbH. He has over a decade of experience in the installation of complex Internet portals and applications and has been intensely involved with TYPO3 for almost a decade. During this time he has worked on more than 500 TYPO3 projects. As a Senator in the “Bundesverband für Wirtschaftsförderung und Außenwirtschaft” (Federal Association for Economic Advancement and Foreign Trade) he advises the German Federal Government on Open-Source Technology issues. Kian is the official fundraiser for the TYPO3 association and in charge of marketing for the Enterprise Web CMS, as well as being involved in a variety of TYPO3 Community Projects.

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